Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays! ( It's December 25th!)

Happy Holidays everybody! What a great holiday season we've had here at Blair. Although we have been plagued with tragedy, our love for one another and longing for peace will triumph. It is the season of giving. We hope you remember to give thanks for all the presents and blessings you have received, for there are many who may not be able to enjoy the simple pleasures we are accustomed to.
Let's promote peace and goodwill to all men as we approach the new year. Embrace the new year with open arms. If you believe in the power of prayer take a minute to pray for those families in Connecticut affected by the Newtown shooting. Pray for all people. Pray for peace. If you don't pray send good thoughts and love to all the people with less than you this holiday season. We should all do our part to make this year a little better than last.
So put a dollar in the donation jar and celebrate the holidays with those you love. Be thankful and loving! Tis is the season. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
- The Montgomery Blair Interfaith Club

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